Calculating The Rapid Return: When The Rapid Costs Too Much

Rapid Return: When the “rapid” costs too much!

There are so many things competing for our attention. It’s almost overwhelming when you think about it. I means there’s family, work, school, kids schedules, personal desires, and of course our faith…our quiet time with The Creator!
Calculating The Rapid Return: When The Rapid Costs Too Much

Over the last few weeks I’ve traveled quite a bit. I spent time in Miami for #Hispanicize, I met a lot of amazing people. The content was exceptional and gave me strategy to grow my business. I remember thinking that I could not wait to put what I learned in practice. I wanted a rapid return on the content so that it could work for me.

A few weeks later I was on a plane headed to the International Pastors and Leadership conference.  I was excited about facilitating a session entitled CLEAR Strategies for Securing Sponsors and Partners, I was even more excited about the message that would move me to another level.  Well, my session was AMAZEBALLS (as Gabby would say), I met a group of people in my coaching session that changed my life…and I heard a great word from Pastor Steven Furtick that reminded me to remain true and be authentic. My rapid return was don’t compromise.

Last week I attended Mom 2.0 Summit, and it too was a fantastic experience. I met a lot of great people and brands. I was able to participate in an interview for @Kia and their #KiaMom campaign….greatness. Again, a lot like #Hispanicize I wanted to get home and begin using what I learned to my benefit.

You see, there’s so much going on in our lives. That was just some of what I did during the month of April. How in the world did I think that I could have a rapid return when I don’t have enough time to even create a strategy around all that I learned? I didn’t even have time.

I had to slow down in order to speed up. Perhaps that you too. In order to get a return, which may not be rapid we have to:

·         Admit: Take time to review your life and be honest about the areas that you neglect.

·         Observe: Examine where you need balance.

·         Prioritize: Make a list of what you need to do in order to create balance.

·         Plan: Map out a detailed and intentional plan of action that will give you the most rapid return possible.

It’s so easy to get caught up in the “microwave” mentality where everything is instant…but I still believe that there is a process to growth.  Often times when things come fast, they come at a higher interest rate….meaning we have more to lose. The return may not be rapid, but it will come with consistency.


The Motivated Mom

Latoyia Dennis



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