
In Life Decisions Determine Destinations

Over the past few weeks I’ve found myself thinking about my uncle Vincent Lamar Dean.  He was the oldest boy and the second to the oldest of my grandmother’s children.  He passed away at the young age of 26 years old from cancer.  I will never forget the day he gained his wings, the pain on my grandmother’s face burned a hole in my heart.  I had never seen her so vulnerable and hurt.  

I was only a kid when he died, maybe 10 and I still remember him telling me “Life is all about choices.” He’d go on to say, “the choices you make will determine the life you live” and he was right.  Now, back then it sounded like Snoopy and Charlie Brown…you know the “wah wah wah” language.   But today, at this very moment those words are loud and crystal clear in my head.

The-choices-you-make-will determine-the-life-you-live.

In 2016, I took a leap and started the Motivated Mom Tour. It was one of the most terrifying and rewarding things I’ve ever done.  I felt liberated and tormented at the same time, but it was every bit of amazing!  I continued the Tour in 2017 and even added a city, well that was just plain foolish…but I did it.  It was different but had the same impact, so I was pleased.  As I closed out my Tour without a profit, I began feeling defeated.  Asking myself, “why am I doing this?”.  Yes, I was sulking….but only for a few days….okay a few weeks. But I eventually got myself together and began planning a better 2018.

I’m a few weeks into 2018 and whether it’s the sickness that I’ve been dealing with for months, fatigue, distractions, lack of motivation, or the overwhelming thought of not making the same financial mistakes as I did in previous years; my inability to focus will only dig a hole in my productivity therefore, jeopardizing my chances to succeed.  What is this about LaToyia? I am glad you asked.

When life happens, and you find yourself in a hole that you dug or maybe you didn’t, don’t panic.  You could be a recently separated now single mom trying to manage your emotions, simply make ends meet, or struggling to be present with your child but it feels nearly impossible because all you can think about is what you did to end up in the situation that you find yourself in now…hold on.  Perhaps you are like me, you’ve spent more money than you should have and now your account is responding in its Kevin Hart voice saying, “the way your account is set up ma’am”, first laugh because that would be hilarious, and secondly don’t fall into depression…it will get better.  Or maybe you are struggling with your self-esteem because you aren’t taking better care of yourself…. start today.

My point is mommies – your decisions will determine your destination even if that decision is made once you’ve blown out your left engine.  You are still flying, you can make it where you want to go but you have to be strategic.  Setbacks aren’t meant to take us out, I’ve heard that setbacks are setups for your come back. 

Have you made a decision that left you in a bad place? How did you overcome it? We would love to hear your helpful hints as we all are striving to live our best life.



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  1. We have all done that one decision that probably never went well or worked out pretty good but just remember you will learn from it and be better in the next one you make.

  2. This is such an important lesson. I feel like you can either be positive or you can make the best of the situation. You can learn from it or not. I try to look at the silver lining in the most situation.

  3. We’ve done may choices some are good and there are bad as well. However, it is important that we learn from each of our choices, and let it be our guide to move on.

  4. I always believe mistakes are biggest lessons in one’s life. Success and failure is part of the game. The thing that is constant is positivity that never let you give up on anything.

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